Monday, March 12, 2012

Stop, Drop, and Roll!..

I have been talking alot about my own past in my blogs, but today, I have things on my mind that are more observations than anything.  I too- am guilty of the very things I have observed, but I do wish there was a way for me to warn people about them before they happen...

Would you start a fire in the middle of your living room? More than likely, not- it would burn down the very possessions you worked so hard for!  Not only would you lose your own shelter, but you would lose those memories as well! 

Would you start a fire in the middle of your living room if it was in the fireplace?  Of course! At that point, the fire is enriching and will warm you for hours!  As long as you keep putting logs on, you could have a fire forever- a warm nice cozy fire to warm your face and your soul!

So why is that so many young girls and boys and teens and single people think that they are going to do anything other than destroy the things they have worked hard to preserve by having pre-marital sex?  Sure, sex is a beautiful thing when it is contained inside of a marriage, but when this world begins to accept pre-marital sex as a thing to play with- it destroys its own house with fire! 

I am one of those people who destroyed my own house by allowing the sparks of teenage years to build fires in my living room!  And it has not been easy building back a house from ashes! Thankfully I had the master Builder to give me some blueprints called a "New Creation".  I want those out there whose houses are "destroyed" by "fire" to know that there is Hope and their lives can be rebuilt to a GLORIOUS and PROSPEROUS and ABUNDANT LIFE!  It takes falling on your face before God and admitting you have been wrong, and/or that you have been wronged, and it also takes forgiving yourself as much as you forgive everyone else! 

Is your living room on fire?  Has your fire just started??  Stop it now!  Put the fire out not let it spread- do not keep having sex outside of marriage!  I promise it will only make you miserable! 

I remember a piece of paper that an older man handed me on prom day while I was visiting a friend at her work... it read, "Don't let one moment of pleasure cost you a lifetime of regret".  I still have this exact paper in my journal to this day and I read it every now and then to remind me that the words Warren Buffet spoke are true..
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently." Warren Buffett
What will you do different today?

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