Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Help is NOT on the way!

 When referring to the Gospel, of course help is on the way. Jesus is coming back again, for His bride, and when He does, all hope will be restored and every knee will bow, every tongue will confess, and every wrong will be made right.  

In reference to the world, help is NOT on the way.  We are responsible for our own choices, consequences of sin, our attitudes, our world view, and the way we lead and love others.  I see so many people just waiting for good to be dropped in their laps.  It's sickening to me how entitled our world is- young and old.  We don't have to teach our children to lie. Or steal.  Or be selfish- those all come naturally when we are born into sin.  We do, however, have to teach them to do well.  To LOVE well.  

The bad in life comes naturally, we have to CHOOSE to love well.  I am convinced that when we choose to LOVE well, we DO well.  Why?  Because our words and our actions are a reflection of our hearts.  No human can do this for us.  We can't rely on someone else's faith to get us to God, only on the blood of Jesus.  

God's Word tells us to "Choose THIS Day who you will serve".  (Joshua 24:15) We have to own this- no one can choose it for us.  And honestly, when we choose to lead our households to serve the Lord, the world is going to hate us.  We will be persecuted and made fun of.  We will lose promotions, and we will likely be hated by a few people.  But on the day of redemption, we will STAND next to Jesus, our perfect lamb, who took away the sins of the world.  We will cling to the hem of His robe, and we will hear, "Well done good and faithful servant." 

I would ask all of us today- who are we listening to for comfort and who are relying on for the good in life?  Who are we waiting on to make things happen?  Are we living a mundane life expecting great things to happen?  Are we willing to give up good for great?  Are we posturing our hearts to love well, or to do good?  We must choose this day whom we will serve.  And then again tomorrow, and the next day.  

This world is making it harder and harder to love well, but we are commanded to do so, and we are promised the love of the Father in heaven when we choose Him.  A right relationship with Him is our reward for loving Jesus and serving Him well.  Who wouldn't want a loving relationship with a PERFECT father who created us? 

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